Research Philosophy
Collaboration between science and industry is the cornerstone of the INCAS³ research philosophy. True innovation happens where both meet. The public-private nature of INCAS³ research is set in a number of basic principles.
Cross border research
Any research project has a scientific as well as an industrial aim meaning that at least one university and one industrial partner are always involved in the research. INCAS³ also interfaces with a wide variety of application fields. The development of sensor systems meets challenges that are very similar to different fields. In a broad range of applications, future sensor developments will be governed by constraints on bandwidth and energy use and by requirements for greater precision and reliability. INCAS³ prefers the role of specialist in projects. Our strength lies in our extensive knowledge of sensor technology.
Field prototypes
A large part of the research is technological in nature and results in scientific publications and field prototypes. So, when the first research ideas become available, field prototypes will be designed by INCAS³ engineers to ensure that the research meets industrial needs and enhances research.
International collaboration
INCAS³ views open innovation as essential to create future sensor solutions. Only by collaborating with partners in science and industry, both nationally and internationally at the interfaces of different application fields, is it possible to leverage the strength of a sensor institute.
Spin offs
Because INCAS³ is a research institute, its role ends with the field prototype. For INCAS³, however, the final step into an actual product or solution is essential. INCAS³ encourages and enables its researchers to go into business (if they are not fond of an academic career) with the knowledge they gathered during their stay at INCAS³. Spin-offs are an integral part of the philosophy.