The SAWA (Sensors And Water) project is dedicated to ensuring that the water that comes from your tap is as free of contaminations as it was when it left the water treatment plant.
The SAWA innovation project was set up to advance the monitoring of the quality of potable water. The aim is to develop a sensor network that consistently monitors water quality – not only during the production of drinking water from surface or ground water but also during distribution.
The demands on the sensors are high. They need to be very sensitive to detect even the smallest amount of contamination. They must also be specific — the sensor network is required to recognize what substances it has detected, be they bacteria, hormones, traces of pesticides, or other chemicals. INCAS³ is helping to develop a reliable and affordable sensor system that satisfies every requirement.
SenTec Laboratory
Located in the Water Laboratory North in Glimmen (in Groningen Province, the Netherlands), SenTec is a unique laboratory for testing water sensors, because it provides access to water from different stages in the production and distribution process. There, researchers test their equipment on various water qualities from a variety of sources.
A consortium of several companies and research institutes based in the northern provinces of the Netherlands join forces within SAWA. The project partners are: AVIC, AquaExplorer, Bright Spark, Capilix, Interline Systems,
KWR Watercycle Research Institute, Microdish, MicroLAN, 2M Sensors,
NHL University, Wetsus, Water Laboraty North, Water Supply Company Groningen, Water Supply Company Drenthe.